Is your website getting you bookings?

Mar 21, 2024Websites

More and more owners are coming to us whose current websites simply aren’t performing for them. They may look OK, but they haven’t been set up to be found by Google. So the owner’s website is neither being found nor supported adequately. That’s why we make sure the websites that ACT Studios deliver have everything covered. We don’t put a website live until we are sure that nothing has been missed. For businesses that care, this is really important.

Some clients choose to provide their own copywriting. Some ask us to do that for them. Either way we make sure that the key phrase, meta title and meta description is added for every page. As well as completing the alt image text for every photograph. We make sure that each page on your website has the best score you can achieve for readability and SEO (search engine optimisation), Google likes that. We set your website up on Google Analytics and Google Search Console and encourage owners to get a Google Business Listing (if they don’t already have one). It all helps get your website seen so that potential guests can find you.

If you’re not sure if your current website does all that and are thinking about updating it – or now is the time to get your first website – we can help.

Let us know if you’d like a conversation about this – or book a call with Jo.