What makes a great website: navigation and CTAs

We’re now mid-way through our 5 part blog series. Today we’re here with blog 3: navigation and CTAs (calls to action). This blog will feature how to create the best user-experience and drive the user to buy. In summary, the takeaway message is...

What makes a great website: SEO and content

Next up in this blog series is how focusing on your SEO and content will help you create the perfect website. We will take you through what SEO and content means and why it is important. We’ll discuss how the two relate to each other. Further, we will delve into...

What makes a great website: photography and 3D virtual tours

It’s an increasingly digital world we live in. So it’s important to adapt with it so your business can thrive online. The first blog in this series will discuss the importance of visual marketing for your website. Visual marketing is when you take your...

What makes a great website? A blog series by ACT Studios

More so that ever, your online presence is what sells your business. Just like you’d plan to have an immaculate shop window, your website should be equally pristine. This is true for all types of businesses, be it selling a physical product or an experience. As...

Could you host weddings at your holiday rental to boost profits?

Recent COVID-19 restrictions make it harder for self-caterers to prosper, especially owners of larger properties. Harder to prosper, but not impossible. Now is the time to think outside the box and to adapt to the times. Weddings are a hot topic at ACT Studios HQ at...